Posted by
Sammi Spizziri
on January 04, 2019 ·
2 mins read
2019 is here, which means it’s time to set some new writing goals!
Following up 2018 feels daunting since it was my biggest year yet: I completed my first viable draft and revised it, let others read and critique the full work, entered (and won!) a few writing contests, received my first partial and full manuscript requests, and yes, my first rejection (that sounds like a bad thing, but I promise you it’s the first step toward publication!)
But I know there’s more to accomplish with my writing. More I want out of it and more I want to give. Which is why I created a list. Goals are more effective when you write them down. Have you heard that? And even more so when you share them with someone. So here goes.
Apply for Author Mentor Match and/or Pitch Wars
Why? I need solid outside feedback from someone who’s been through the process before. It’s easy to lose track of the core of the story, and I want guidance on making it the best story it can be before querying.
What I’m looking for - someone who loves my story and can help guide me. I’m ready to buckle down, I just need guidance on where to focus the energy!
Continue to learn the craft through workshops/conferences/books in areas I need to grow in
I’m sure the list of areas I need to learn more about will only grow as time goes one. So much to learn and always room for improvement!
Revise After I Bid You Adieu (current manuscript) as best I can
Pick a new story idea and complete first draft
Wow - that’s a big list. Better start chipping away!